1. JingZhao,XiaobeiLi,ZhenChen,HengzaiHu,XiangdongLiu,XueqiangWang.Optimizationof Electromagnetic Performance of a High Speed Permanent-Magnet Synchronous Motor.2013 International Symposium on Advanced Magnetic Materials and Applications. 2013.07. (SCI)
2. HuiLiGao,LihuaDou,WenjieChen,JianSun.Image Classification with Bag-of-Words Model Based on Improved SIFT Algorithm.2013 9th Asian Control Conference, ASCC. June 23- 26, 2013.Istanbul, Turkey. (EI)
3. Jie Chen, Wenzhong Zha, Zhihong Peng, Jian Zhang. Cooperative Area Reconnaissance for Multi-UAV in Dynamic Environment. The 9th Asian Control Conference (ASCC 2013), June 23-26, 2013, Istanbul, Turkey.(EI)
4. Yongqiang Bai, Wenzhong Zha, Jie Chen, Zhihong Peng. A Refined Classification Method with Tolerance Relation-Based Rough Sets for Incomplete Decision Systems. IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (IEEE SMC 2013) Special Session on Decision Support Systems for Management Science, October 13-16, 2013, Manchester, UK.(EI)
5. Jiahong Li, Jie Chen, Chen Chen, Fang Deng. Federated Kalman Consensus Filter in Distributed Track Fusion. Proceedings of the 2013 IEEE International Conference on Cyber Technology in Automation, Control and Intelligent Systems.(EI)
6. Dong Li, Jie Chen, Bin Xin. A novel Differential Evolution algorithm with Gaussian mutation that balances exploration and exploitation. 2013 IEEE Symposium on Differential Evolution (SDE) Singapore, 16-19 April, page: 18-24.(EI)
7. Mu Li , LihuaDou,Haoyuan Sun and Jian Sun. Stability Analysis of Dynamic Quantized Systems With Time-varying Delay. The 9th Asian Control Conference (ASCC)Turkey.
Istanbul.2013 6.26 (EI)
8. Yutian Mao, Lihua Dou, Hao Fang and Jie Chen. Distributed Flocking of Second-order Multi-agent Systems with Global Connectivity Maintenance.2013 American Control Conference (ACC)Washington, DC, USA, June 17-19, 2013:976-981 (EI)
9. Yutian Mao, Lihua Dou, Hao Fang, Jie Chen. Distributed Flocking of Lagrangian Systems with Global Connectivity Maintenance. Proceedings of 2013 IEEE International Conference on Cyber Technology in Automation, Control and Intelligent Systems, May 26-29, Nanjing, China,2013:69-74 (EI)
10. Yang Jie, Wang Qinglin, Li Yuan. Finite time stability control based on higher-order sliding mode for TORA system. 2013 9th Asian Control Conference, ASCC 2013. June 23-26, 2013. Istanbul, Turkey. (EI)
11. QiangGuo, Yaping Dai, Baotong Zhu. Design and Implementation of Web Controller for E-experiment. International Conference on Signal Processing, Communication and Computing. 2013.08.05 (EI)
12. Yutian Mao, Lihua Dou, Hao Fang, Jie Chen. Rendezvous of Nonholonomic Multiple Unicycles with Connectivity Maintenance. Proceedings of the 9th Asian Control Conference (ASCC 2013),Istanbul, Turkey, June 23-26,2013:1-6 (EI)
13. Shanshan Jiang, Lihua Dou, Hao Fang. Target Tracking Based on Federated Filter for Mobile Sensor Networks. 3rd Int. Conference on Computer Science and Network Technology. Sat-Sun, Oct 12-13, 2013. Dalian Jiaotong University, DALIAN, CHINA. pp.1263-1268.(EI)
14. Tao Cai, Han Zhang, Lei Gu, Zhiqiang Gao. On Active Disturbance Rejection Control of the Payload Position for Gantry Cranes. 2013 American Control Conference (ACC),Washington, DC, USA, June 17-19, 2013,p.425-430 (EI)
15. Bing Liu, Xiangdong Liu, Zhen Chen, Fan Yang. A New Method Based on Polytopic Linear Inclusion for the Nonlinear Filter. Proceedings of 2012 ASCC. 2013.07 (EI)
16. Gao Zhe, Liao Xiaozhong, Shan Bo, Huang Hong .A stability criterion for fractional-order systems with α-order in frequency domain: The 1 <α< 2 case. 2013 9th Asian Control Conference. 2013 (EI)
17. Xian Wu, Congzhe Gao, Xiangdong Liu, Zhilin Lai .A fast low-cost Analog Amplifier suitable for driving Piezoelectric actuator. International conference on mechatronic sciences, electric engineering and computer. 2013.11(EI)
18. ZouSuli, Ma Zhongjing,Liu Xiangdong. Distributed Efficient Charging Coordinations for Electric Vehiclesunder Progressive Second Price Auction Mechanism. IEEE Conference on Decision and Control. 2013.12 (EI)
19. Yin Yu, Xiangdong Liu,Bing Liu,Zhen Li. Bowstring-BasedDual-Threshold Computation Method for Adaptive Canny EdgeDetector. International Conference of Image and Vision Computing New Zealand. 2013.10 (EI)
20. ZouSuli,Ma Zhongjing, XiangdongLiu.Distributed Efficient Charging Coordinations for Electric Vehiclesunder Progressive Second Price Auction Mechanism.第52届IEEE控制与决策会议. 2013 (EI)
21. Geng Qingbo,Tian Peigang.UAV flight control systemmodeling and simulation based on Flightgear. ICCA 2013.6 (EI)
22. Yang Shuyuan, Li Baokui, Geng Qingbo.Optimization for four-sample rotation vector attitude estimation algorithm. 2013 4th International Conference on Intelligent Control and Information Processing,ICICIP. June 9-11, 2013. Beijing, China. (EI)
23. WangShichao,Li Baokui,Geng Qingbo.Research of RBF Neural Network PID Control Algorithm for Longitudinal Channel Control of Small UAV.2013 10th IEEE International Conference on Control and Automation ICCA .June 12-14, 2013. Hangzhou, China (EI)
24. Wei Zhang, Yin Cai, Bo Deng and Xiaolan Yao.Active Disturbance Rejection Controlfor Tension Regulation of Stainless Steel Strip Processing Line.The 2013 International Conference on Intelligent Systems and Knowledge Engineering. 2013.11 (EI)
25. Sun Guofa, Ren Xuemei, Li Dongwu. L∞ dynamic surface control for a class of nonlinear pure-feedback systems with finite-time extended state observer. Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering. 2013.08 (EI)
26. Li Dongwu, Sun Guofa, RenXuemei, Lv Xiaohua. Finite-time adaptive dynamic surface control of dual motor driving systems. Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering. 2013.08 (EI)
27. Xiaodong Zhu, Changguo Shen, Xuemei Ren. Harmonic Detection Method Using APFFT and Neural Network.5th international Conference on Intelligent Human-Machine Systems and Cybernetics (IHMSC 2013). 2013.08 (EI)
28. Fang Zhang, Changguo Shen, Xuemei Ren. The Application of Multi-sensor Information Fusion by Improved Trust Degree on SLAM.5thInternational Conference on Intelligent Human-Machine Systems and Cybernetics (IHMSC 2013). 2013.08 (EI)
29. Xue Guangyue, Ren Xuemei, Xing Kexin, Chen Qiang. Discrete-time sliding mode control coupled with asynchronous sensor fusion for rigid-link flexible-joint manipulators. 2013 10th IEEE International Conference on Control and Automation, ICCA 2013.June 12-14, Hangzhou, China. (EI)
30. Li Rui, Ren Xuemei. Mechanical resonance modeling and forecasting in servo systems based on vector fitting. International Conference on Mechanical and Automation Engineering, MAEE 2013. July 21-23, 2013. (EI)
31. Jun Liu, Hongbin Ma, Xuemei Ren, Mengyin Fu. Optimal formation of robots by convex hull and particle swarm optimization.2013 IEEE Symposium on Computational Intelligence in Control and Automation. 2013.04(EI)
32. Jingwen Wang, Xuemei Ren, Jun Liu. Trajectory Planning for Multi-robot Formation by One Hybrid Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm. 2013 5th International Conference on Intelligent Human-Machine Systems and Cybernetics. 2013.08(EI)
33. Li Yuan, Wang Qinglin. Catadioptricomni-direction vision system based on laser illumination. 2013 22nd IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Electronics. May 28-31. Taipei, Taiwan(EI)
34. Wei Zhao, Xuemei Ren. Neural Network-Based Sliding Mode Control for Dual-Motor Servo Systems. 3rd IFAC International Conference on Intelligent Control and Automation Science. 2013.09(EI)
35. Guofa Sun, Xuemei Ren. Output L∞ Neural Dynamic Surface Control for Large Inertia Servo Systems.3rd IFAC International Conference on Intelligent Control and Automation Science. 2013.09(EI)
36. Quan Fu, Hong Huang,Jinqiang Zhao. Intelligent Equipment Monitoring System Based on RFID Technology.2014International Conference on Mechanical Design, Manufacture and Automation Engineering (MDMAE2014). 2014.01 (EI)
37. KhizerArbab Nighat,Yaping Dai,Ali Syed Amjad,Yang Xu Xiang. Takagi-sugeno fuzzy model identification for small scale unmanned helicopter. Telkomnika, Universitas Ahmad Dahlan, Jalan Kapas 9, Semaki, Umbul Harjo, Yogiakarta, 55165, Indonesia. 2014.1 (EI)
38. Bin Wang, Yaping Dai, Zengru Jiang. The design of remote experimental platform based on robotic fish system.International Conference on Intelligent Human-Machine Systems and Cybernetics (IHMSC). 2013 .8 (EI)
39. Benfu Wang, Xiangyang Xu, Yaping Dai, Guangjun Shi.A Q, R Search Method for an Unmanned Helicopter Based on LQR. 2013 5th IHMSC, Hangzhou, Zhejiang. July 2013 (EI)
40. Guangjun Shi, Xiangyang Xu, Yaping Dai.SIFT Feature Point Matching Based on Improved RANSAC Algorithm.2013 5th IHMSC, Hangzhou, Zhejiang. July 2013 (EI)
41. Yaping Dai, Long Gao, Qiang Guo, Qunjie Zou, Zida Song.A Portable Networked Plant in E-experiment Application.Annual Conference of IEEE Industrial Electronics Society. 2013.11.10 (EI)
42. Liu Xiuzhi, Dai Yaping.Fault-tolerant control of networked control systems with time-varying delay. 2013 10th IEEE International Conference on Control and Automation (ICCA. 2013.06(EI)
43. HuanWang,QinglinWang,Yuan Li,YapingDai. Article Filter Algorithm for Real-Time Multiple Objects Tracking Based on Color Local Entropy.2013 Third International Conference on Instrumentation, Measurement, Computer, Communication and Control. 2013.08.01(EI)
44. Zhongjian Dai,Hao Dong, Qinglin Wang .A Multi-intersection Coordinated Control Algorithm Based on game theory and Maximal Flow. IECON 2013 (the 39th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society). November,2013 (EI)
45. Zheng Shuhua, Wang Xiangzhou.The sliding mode control for speed system of the variable displacement motor at the constant pressure network.Proceedings of the 2013 International Conference on Intelligent Control and Information Processing, ICICIP.June 9-11, 2013. Beijing, China. (EI)
46. Feng Mengqi, Wang Xiangzhou. A novel feature extraction method for motor imagery based on common spatial patterns with autoregressive parameters.Proceedings of the 2013 International Conference on Intelligent Control and Information Processing, ICICIP.June 9-11, 2013. Beijing, China.(EI)
47. Yu Mingxin, Wang Xiangzhou.The research for dissolved oxygen fuzzy PID control system based on adjustment factors in biological culture.Proceedings of the IASTED International Conference on Modelling, Identification and Control. February 11 - 13, 2013. Innsbruck, Austria. (EI)
48. Zhou Qiqiang, Wang Xiangzhou. Real-Time Facial Expression Recognition System Based-On Geometric Features. Proceedings of the 2012 International Conference on Information Technology and Software Engineering- Software Engineering and Digital Media Technology.201212(EI)
49. Li Jianfei,Wang Xiangzhou.Design of control system for a 2-DOF stabilized platform. International Conference on Automatic Control and Artificial Intelligence. 2012.03 (EI)
50. Ma Libing,WangXiangzhou.DesignofPMSMservosystem based on TMS320LF2407A DSP.International Conference on Automatic Control and Artificial Intelligence. 2012.03(EI)
51. Wang Lipeng,Wang Junzheng.Adual-fuzzy pressure compensation based symmetric control scheme of single-rod electro-hydraulic actuator.4th International Conference on Manufacturing Science and Technology, ICMST 2013. 2013.8.3-4 (EI)
52. Du Mingfang, Wang Junzheng.A research on autonomous position method for mobile robot manipulator based on fusion feature.2013 IEEE International Conference on Mechatronics and Automation, IEEE ICMA 2013. August 4- 7. Takamastu, Japan. ( EI)
53. WuJiangfeng, Wang Junzheng. Adaptive fuzzy sliding mode control of asymmetrical hydraulic cylinder based on DSP .2012 3rd International Conference on Advances in Materials and Manufacturing Processes, ICAMMP 2012.12.22-23(EI)
54. Wang Junzheng.Variable Support-Weight Approach for Correspondence Search Based on Modified Census Transform. 11thICSP. 2012 ( EI)
55. FangDeng,XinanLiu,ZhihongPeng,JieChen.Tertiary Threat Assessments Based on Hierarchy and Modular.Proceedings of the Ninth China-Japan International Workshopon Internet Technology and Control Applications.Beijing,China 28 June-1 July.p 71-76
56. Mu Li, Lihua Dou, Jie Chen and Jian Sun. State Feedback Stabilization of Dynamic Quantized System With Packet Loss. Proceedings of the Ninth China-Japan International Workshop on Internet Technology and Control Applications Beijing, China, 28 June-1 July 2013:12-18