1. Lai, Ru; Liu, Xiangdong; Wu, Guoqiang. Valve’s Dynamic Damping Characteristics – Measurement and Identification. 50th IEEE Conference of Decision and Control (CDC)/European Control Conference (ECC). 2011.12. (SCI:BAA55).
2. Xiaobing Wang, Bokui Li, Qingbo Geng. Runway detection and tracking for unmanned aerial vehicle based on an improved canny edge detection algorithm. IHMSC. 2012.8. (EI:20124515638263).
3. Yangming Li, Xuemei Ren, Jun Liu. A New Fuzzy Control and Dynamic Modeling of Bicycle Robot. 4th International Conference on Intelligent Human-Machine Systems and Cybernetics. 2012.7. (EI:13000875).
4. Feng Pan. The research on the application of uEAC in XOR problems. Proceedings of the International Conference on Transportation and Mechanical & Electrical Engineering. 2011.12. (EI:20122315082554).
5. Binglong Cong, Xiangdong Liu, Zhen Chen. Adaptive sliding mode control for spacecraft attitude maneuvers with reduced or eliminated reaching phase. 2012 Proceedings of UKACC. (EI:20124815711457).
6. Binglong Cong, Xiangdong Liu, Zhen Chen. Backstepping based adaptive sliding mode control for spacecraft attitude maneuvers. 2012 Proceedings of UKACC. (EI:20124815711574).
7. Zengru Jiang. Research of creating experiment on automatic control. 2012 2nd International Conference on consumer Electronics communications and Networks (CECNet) ,Yichang,2012. 2012.4. (EI:12746197).
8. Feng Zhao, Zengru Jiang. A New Algorithm for Three-dimensional Construction Based on the Robot Binocular Stereo Vision System. Proceedings of the 2012 4th International Conference on Intelligent Human-Machine Systems and Cybernetics (IHMSC) ,Nanchang,2012. 2012.5. (EI:13000919).
9. Chenguang Zhao, Xiangyang Xu, Zengru Jiang. The design of high precision and visual simulation platform of the unmanned helicopter. 2012 4th International Conference on Intelligent Human-Machine Systems and Cybernetics. 2012.2. (EI:20124515638298).
10. Jingjing Yang, Yaping Dai. A modified method of vehicle extration based on background subtraction. WCCI 2012 International Conference on Computational Intelligence(FUZZ-IEEE). 2012.6, pp. 1-5. (EI:20124315598977).
11. Yuanyuan Lu, Xiangyang Xu, Yaping Dai, Bin Zheng. An adaptive object detection scope algorithm based on SIFT. IHMSC 2012, vol.2, no., 100-103, 26-27 Aug. 2012, NANCHANG. (EI:20124515638251).
12. Bin Zheng, Xiangyang Xu, Yaping Dai, Yuanyuan Lu. Object Tracking Algorithm Based on Combination of Dynamic Template Matching and Kalman Filter. IHMSC 2012, 26(2): 136-139, NANCHANG. (EI:20124515638260).
13. Fancheng Meng,Yaping Dai. The Design of a New Upper Limb Rehabilitation Robot System Based on Multi-Source Data Fusion. the 10th World Congress on Intelligent Control and Automation (WCICA). 2012.7, pp. 3840-3845. (EI).
14. Li Weiqi, Dai Yaping. A density-method-based model for allocating the refining cost of gasoline and diesel in China. The 2012 International Conference on Energy and Environmental Protection. (EI).
15. Yuan Yao, Yaping Dai. Design of an E-experiment platform in E-laboratory. CAISSE 2012,Wuhan. China. (EI).
16. Qian Peng, Qinglin Wang, Yuexing Hao, Yuan Li, Jixian Zhang. Content Extraction from Chinese Web Pages Based on Punctuations Distribution. The 2nd International Conference on Computer Science and Service System (CSSS). 2012.8. (EI).
17. Dongmei Li, Qinglin Wang, Yuexing Hao, Yuan Li, Qian Peng. A Domain-Specific Chinese Term Extraction Method Based on Prefix and Suffix. The 2nd International Conference on Computer Science and Service System (CSSS). 2012.8. (EI).
18. Jixian Zhang, Qinglin Wang, Yuexing Hao, Yuan Li, Dongmei Li. A Method for Chinese Text Classification based on Three-Dimensional Vector Space Model. The 2nd International Conference on Computer Science and Service System (CSSS). 2012.8. (EI).
19. Zhigang Yao, Qinglin Wang. Research on comprehensive detection and diagnosis system based on complex equipments. IEEE International Conference on Computer Science and Automation Engineering. 2012.05. (EI).
20. Xiangdong Liu, Chunxia Cai, Ning Dong. Parameter Identification of Bouc-Wen Model applied to Piezoelectric Actuator Modeling Based on Adaptive Genetic Algorithm. 16th International Conference On Mechatronics Technology. (EI).
21. Ning Dong, Hongjuan Li, Xiangdong Liu. Parametric Identification of Bouc-Wen hysteresis Model for Piezoelectric Ceramic Actuator Based on Immune Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm. 3rd International Conference of CSMNT. (EI).
22. Ping Zhang, Hong Huang. A Context Ontology Modeling and Uncertain Reasoning Approach Based on Certainty Factor for Context-Aware Computing. The seventh International Conference on Intelligent Systems and Knowledge Engineering(ISKE2012). 2012.12. (EI).
23. Chao Xia, Hong Huang, Tao Wang, Zhiwei Lin. Segmentation of Infrared Image Using Fuzzy Thresholding via Local Region Analysis. 2012 5th International Congress on Image and Signal Processing . 2012.10. (EI).
24. Liu Yuanshang, Yao Xiaolan. Simulation Research of Automatic Steering System of Unmanned Vehicles. 2nd International Conference on Electronics Communications and Control(ICECC2012). 2012.10. (EI).
25. Zhang Weijian, Yao Xiaolan. Rhythms Optimaization And Realization Of Double-Stands Rolling Production Line. 2nd International Conference on Electronics Communications and Control(ICECC2012). 2012.10. (EI).
26. Yongjun Ding, Xiangzhou Wang, Shuhua Zheng. Research on the Flight Control for an asymmetrical X-quadrotor. 2nd International Conference on Machinery Eletronics and Control Engineering (ICMECE2012). 2012.12.
27. Libing Ma, Xiangzhou Wang. Design of PMSM servo system based on TM320LF
28. Mengqi Feng, Xiangzhou Wang, Shuhua Zheng. A novel classification method for motor imagery based on common spatial patterns with autoregressive parameters. 10th International Bhurban Conference on Applied Sciences & Technology. 2013.1.
29. Mingxin Yu, Xiangzhou Wang, Shuhua Zheng. The Research for Dissolved Fuzzy PID Control System Based on Adjustment Factors in Biological Culture. IASTED International Conference on Modeling, Identification and Control (MIC 2013). 2013.2.
30. Hu Haoping, FEI Qing, Yao Xiaolan. Application of Plate Plan View Control in LISCO. The 3rd International Conference on Mechanic Automation and Control Engineering. 2012.8.
31. Jian Chen, Qing Fei, Qingbo Geng. The design of data link for multi-uavs. IHMSC2012. 2012.8.
32. Jianying Liu, Shiyue Liu, Qingbo Geng. The h robust control algorithm of the 3-DOF four rotors system. ISCID. 2012.9.
33. Jingsha Zhang, Qingbo Geng, Qing Fei. UAV flight control system modeling and simulation based on Flightgear. ACAI 2012. 2012.5.
34. Tian Lan, Qing Fei, Qingbo Geng, Qiong Hu. Control algorithm research of quadrotor system based on 3-dof simulation platform. ACAI2012. 2012.5.
35. Langhua Liu, Qing Fei, Qingbo Geng, Qiong Hu. The longitudinal attitude control of UAV based on GPFN neural network. ACAI 2012. 2012.5.
36. Peng Xu, Bokui Li, Qingbo Geng, Qing Fei. Attitude and altitude instrument based on DSP. WCICA. 2012.7.
37. Baokui Li; Xiaolan Yao; Qinghe Wu. Transducer Fault Detection of Hot Rolling Screwdown System Based on Sequential Probability Ratio Method. ICMSMA 2012. 2012.9.
38. Shuli Guo. The New Analysis Methods of Hot Events Propagation Based on Interdisciplinary Studies. Proceedings of ICCC Workshop. 2012.06.
39. Jianying Liu, Shiyue Liu, Qingbo Geng. The H_∞ Robust Control Algorithm of the 3-DOF Four Rotors System. ISCID2012. 2012.10.
40. Junzheng Wang. Variable Support-Weight Approach for Correspondence Search Based on Modified Census Transform. 11thICSP. 2012.
41. Xin Xu, Jia Zhang. The method of image matching by taking every fixed match pixel. 2012 Fifth International Symposium on Computational Intelligence and Design. Hangzhou, China.
42. Chen Shijun, Zhang Juan, Chen Chen. Design of Networked Air Defense Fire Control Simulation System based on BOM. The 10th World Congress on Intelligent Control and Automation. July 6-8, 2012,Beijing, China. 2012.7.
44. Xin Li, Wenjie Chen, Zengguang Shang. A video tracking method based on Niche Particle Swarm Algorithm-Particle Filter. The 10th World Congress on Intelligent Control and Automation. 2012.7.
45. Yuling, H., et al. An overview of agent-based evacuation models for building fires. in Networking, Sensing and Control (ICNSC), 2012 9th IEEE International Conference on. 2012.
46. LIAN Xiao-yan, ZHANG Juan, CHEN Chen, DENG Fang. Three-dimensional Deployment Optimization of Sensor Network Based on An Improved Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm. The 10th World Congress on Intelligent Control and Automation. 2012.7.
47. Gan Minggan, Ma Huixia. Repetitive Adaptive Control Based on Sliding Filter Observer in Servo Turntable. The 10th World Congress on Intelligent Control and Automation. 2012.7.
48. Yang, Y. and W. Chen. Parallel Algorithm for Moving Foreground Detection in Dynamic Background. in Computational Intelligence and Design (ISCID), 2012 Fifth International Symposium on. 2012.
49. Xing, X., et al. Indirect adaptive fuzzy controller design for vertical direct-driven servo system. in Intelligent Control and Automation (WCICA), 2012 10th World Congress on. 2012.